airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!
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Author:  Henry Bowman [ Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Try this muz,

Best as I can tell

Author:  Arnie M. [ Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!


Yes to what Helli said .... you have one of the nicest looking gyros , color choice is perfect.

Now that I have you all warmed up I will douse some ice water .... haaaa .... move to my airport .... all you need is some warm clothes , cut your income in half by working at the local rifle shop ... and for only 500 a month you get a 2 bedroom home , single car garage to store your gyro .... walking distance to modern runway which is hardly used .... mostly helicopter training , they take off and leave for the day

Author:  Henry Bowman [ Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

I appreciate that, but that would way less than a half paycut!

Author:  MadMuz [ Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

I am guessing the proprosed airstrip is in that bunch of deserted looking roads on the right of the pic?

If you can't find somewhere in that lot to take off from, I will be very surprised... Of course, I can't see the topography, where it is up and down... but I am sure there would be somewhere so safely take off and land into the wind... even if it is up hill :koolaid

Take some pics when you go there next.... so far, I like it :like :yoda2 :Wolvie



Author:  Henry Bowman [ Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Its the long one running from 9 to 3 oclock.
I have some pics, but no idea how to shrink them
Send me your email?

Author:  MadMuz [ Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

madmuz007 (at) hotmail (dot) com Benry (no gaps of course)... I am pretty sure you have it already... Send me the pics and I will post them for sure :koolaid

That strip looks promising... plenty of other roads to land on if you need? Any/many power lines or fences or stuff like that?

That is a bummer about not many trailers there? :badluck How far is the strip from your home? :pop :yoda2 :Wolvie



Author:  Henry Bowman [ Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Sent. Plus a few others..

Author:  MadMuz [ Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Here are your pics Benry..... looks great to me if the prevailing wind is from around 10 O'clock :like :koolaid

I don't see the hill at the end you were worried about? It looks excellent to me.... I am sure you can make that trailer work? Aguide up the middle to keep the nose wheel going straight up the middle and a short ramp up each side so the tail wheel doesn't make the tippy thing happen. Thwe main wheels will likely have to stop behind the wheel fender... so the trailer might be 'tail heavy'... so you might have to put some balast up front to make sure there is enough weight on the tow hitch. I doubt you will have to tow it far? Guam is not that big :laughing (just so long as Guam doesn't capsize any time soon) :noidea :laughing

Here are your pics, plus the one of your machine (and you) :koolaid :like :pop :yoda2 :Wolvie

Benry's words below:

This is the road with no power lines or fences.
Its 630 of pavement and the wind direction is coming over the top of the hill from the 10 oclock position usually.

It is secluded and gated so I wont have people coming around while I set up.

The gradient of the hill varies but its less steep in the middle.

The only reaso I havent bought the trailer in pic yet is I don't know if my gyro will roll up on the tilt deck or if the angle is too steep. No good way to measure it. If the side wheels dont touch deck before tail wheel digs in it will be tippy getting it on...



Author:  Henry Bowman [ Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Bought the trailer...
So, what do you guys think of this strip?
Yess I can trim the bushes back a bit...

Author:  Gabor [ Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Looks good to me!
That's a pretty nice runway.
Not seeing any problem as far as length or elevation.
A few runs on it and you'll know it like the back of your hand.
Happy flying Benry!

Author:  MadMuz [ Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

110% go for it... it looks alot better than some of the crap I flew from :laughing

Like Nabs says... take it easy testing it out and getting used to it. I would suggest you dont be tooling around doing long runs up and down the street, in case the crown of the road or whatever steers you to one side or the other (and off the strip) :badluck So get going and get off the deck asap... same for landing, do stop and plops and taxy slow... that will be a high grip surface, so you either want to be going fast (ground speed) for as little as possible on take off and get away from the ground quick... no dilly dallying with wheels lightly on the ground... (be on the ground or off of the ground... not in between)

I wouldn't advise encouraging euro tub gyros there... they are taught to land like a cessna... the tubs will run off everywhere and roll themselves in balls... which would look bad for you.

I think you have found a new home :like :koolaid Well done on the trailer too :first :yoda2 :Wolvie



Author:  Henry Bowman [ Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Good advice guys, thanks. Just what I needed.
It will be one of two solid choices.
This one is close to home and no looky loos.
I have another road that is running SE (winds here are out of east mostly) its almost a mile pf straigt lane and a half asphalt, with the power lines off to the side about 25 to 30 yards, so not an issue.
Used to go to a housing area that was leveled. People use it mostly as a jogging trail. If I get there when there arent too many people it will be a snap for a launch. Road is wide smooth and level for hundreds of yards. But it also means trailering my very noticeable bird to the other end of the island on our crappy roads.
I will leave the "Gyro Ambassador" bullshit for Vance, I prefer to be alone or have a flying buddy. I hate looky loos. They are a dangerous distraction.

The mast spot I got is maybe going to be just perfect, it is going to be a wide flat hard packed dirt area facing in to the bow of a shallow saddle (slight venturi effect) also near home. But it has not been levelled just yet. Will wait to see.
Ill send some pics when I can.
The best spot on all of guam is right under the damn permanent TFR for the THAAD launchers... which sucks cause no way am I going over there. Last snafu I had there work related had me sprawled with an M16 pointed at my favorite head....

Author:  Arnie M. [ Mon Feb 15, 2021 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!


Nice trailer .... can you find some fat low pressure tires for it ?? .... maybe not good for high speed but definitely give a soft ride on short trips.

It is the "shock" from bumps that are most damaging to a stationary bearing (microscopic brinneling) .... a reasonably gentle rock and roll ride should not hurt anything.

Also just snug up both blades with the tiedowns .... if the tiedowns are over tightened it doubles or tipples the weight on the bearing.

Or make holders like Ken Wallis did for Little Nellie for display or transport.

Author:  LoneEagle [ Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Henry Bowman wrote:

So, what do you guys think of this strip?


Slope can be hard to pick from a photo, but it looks very doable. A bit of bush trimming just to ease the anxiety.
Pump your tires on the harder side to reduce roll resistance and to give a little slip on the hard surface. Not so much you hinder the differential steering though.

Author:  MadMuz [ Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Any news Benry? Have you tried out the new launch pad yet? :noidea :pop :yoda2 :Wolvie



Author:  Henry Bowman [ Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Bro, I still have been unable to secure the services of a welder!!! My trialer is currently not quite useable.
I am supposed to get a quote from another welding shop today...has 2 others turn down the work due to workload issues. The buildup for the marine base is causing a huge strain on services here.
I wish I knew how to weld. I would buy a fucking welder and done it already!!
Tried to coax Bacon out here to weld...but the quareentine is still in effect.
I need some friggin air time!!

Author:  Henry Bowman [ Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Just an update, I found another spot to fly from that has perfect air and lots of space for an engine out on takeoff...just need a road guard as its a public roadway. Made one flight two Sundays ago, took an hour to set up the blades, 15 min to undo. great flight in bumpy winds of 15mph.
Trailer was good to go, but still no blade box. then I got the call from the welding shop to bring in trailer! so I am grounded for a bit, but when they are done I will have one of the most badass gyro trailers on all of Micronesia :)

Author:  illies [ Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

it pays to respect the laws of physics. Lift is lousy with a tailwind. for those who are stall landers; it is dangerous. in 50 years of flying. I have never done it.


Author:  Henry Bowman [ Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: airstrip advice, may have a spot to fly from!

Well after bringing out a flying buddy we both agreed it was just a bit too sketchy.
This new spot I found is in clean air, straight in your face. Paved, no poles or wires and about 500 yards of cleared land after takeoff in case of emergency.
Just about perfect.....except for the traffic.
Once my trailer is completed and working I will fly there early on Sundays when hardly any traffic.
I will keep looking for other spots as well...

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